Impact of Strategic Leadership, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Innovation on Organizational Performance: Harnessing Data to Understand the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management: A Case Study of SMEs in Pakistan,
Impact of Strategic Leadership, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Innovation on Organizational Performance: Harnessing Data to Understand the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management: A Case Study of SMEs in Pakistan,
Entrepreneurial intention, organizational innovation, Data, strategic leadership,Abstract
In the current era of competitiveness and digitalization SME’s can play an important role in economic development of a country like Pakistan. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of strategic leadership, Entrepreneurial and orientation organizational innovation on SME’s performance in Pakistan with the mediation role of knowledge management. A self-administered survey questionnaire is used to collect the data from SME’s Managers and owners. PLS is used for data analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there is a significant relationship between strategic leadership, Entrepreneurial orientation and organizational innovation and organizational performance. Moreover, Knowledge management has significant relationship with organizational performance. Further, statistical values show that knowledge management fully mediate the relationship. It is a unique study to test this combination of variables in the context of SME’s of Pakistan. As there are very limited studies available to discuss about SME’s performance specifically in the context of Pakistan. Current study will help the policy makers to develop the effective policies for SME’s sector development. Moreover, use of knowledge management as mediator indicate the novelty of current study. Conclusively, current study is limited to Pakistan in future researchers may use this framework to other developing countries with the variation of sample size and industrial sector.

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